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Earplugs 3M Ear Push-Ins with cord (EX-01-020)

1.61 120.90 

3M is a world-renowned and respected professional company with many years of experience in the occupational health and safety industry, producing high-quality personal protection accessories.


Earplugs 3M Push-Ins EX-01-020

3M™ E-A-R™ Push-Ins feature a unique E-A-Rform™ foam tip that fits most ears. Our recognizable yellow earplugs feature a flexible blue shaft that makes insertion and removal easy and hygienic.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Ilość / Quantity

100 pairs (Box), 1 pair, 5 pairs, 10 pairs, 20 pairs, 25 pairs, 50 pairs


38 dB


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